Exclude specific authors from Deck search

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OPPokki 9 months ago

I'm wondering is there a way to block a specific author from appearing when searching from decks in the filters?

User Premium
ygoprodeck 9 months ago

Hey! If you go to their profile and hit "Ignore" then they should be excluded I believe.

OPPokki 9 months ago

Hey! If you go to their profile and hit "Ignore" then they should be excluded I believe.

Unfortunately, that was the first thing I tried but had no results.

User Premium
ygoprodeck 9 months ago

Hey! If you go to their profile and hit "Ignore" then they should be excluded I believe.

Unfortunately, that was the first thing I tried but had no results.

Ah yes, I just checked my code and they aren't being excluded from deck searching. I'm working on refactoring the deck search code so I will include that!

OPPokki 9 months ago

Hey! If you go to their profile and hit "Ignore" then they should be excluded I believe.

Unfortunately, that was the first thing I tried but had no results.


Awesome! Thank you!
