0 priced cards will never be pulled in pack simulator

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OPRockmanEXE220x7013 6 months ago

Ello. Im currently running a prog and I discovered a flaw in the pack opener. Any card that is priced at $0.00 will never be opened no matter how many packs are opened. 24, 50, 100? It doesnt matter. The 2 examples are Darklord Marie from "Dark Beginings 2", and Otherworld-The "A" zone from "Force of the Breaker", (As evidenced from MBT's Progression playoffs video of the same pack). There may be many more cards that are 0.00 priced or turned to 0 price over time, which will result in those cards never being pulled from the simulator again. Please find a way to fix this or make those "free" cards worth a cent or something so that we can have more accurate pack opening simulation. Thank you

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ygoprodeck 6 months ago

Hello! Thanks for alerting me to this. While you were on the right track, it wasn't quite because of the card price.

Darklord Marie (Marie the Fallen One in old sets) was misjoined because of the old way we joined names to the TCGplayer data. Funnily enough, this has been overhauled as of this morning and our joins are much faster and more efficient now. This one is fixed, I've tested it. FYI it's "Dark Beginning 1" and not "2" for this card.

Otherworld - The "A" Zone was because of an issue with how TCGplayer entered the data. They used two single quotes surrounding the A on each side of the card name instead of double quotes. This cause our fancy new joining method above to miss the card since it couldn't find a match. I've fixed this now too and it correctly shows up! I'm going to run through the data to make sure we don't have similar issues to this card.

For now, these are fixed! But fret not, it's not because of the price. We don't exclude cards if they don't have a price. 

OPRockmanEXE220x7013 6 months ago

yea i figured out i was wrong after i looked back through packs. I jumped the gun when those 2 examples came up thinking that it was the main reason. Sorry about that
